Incident PTT Channels for Responders and Supervisors
Channels PTT is an-add on feature that enables users to communicate via voice chat (Push-to-Talk radio style) with other groups in the organization.
The Incident PTT Channels module enables dispatchers, supervisors and active responders to chat in a designated incident PTT Channel. The Incident PTT channel is provisioned automatically as soon as an incident participant (dispatcher, supervisor, or responder) taps the PTT button. The designated channel remains available as long as the incident remains open and there are active responders in the incident.
- Responders can receive and transmit messages in an incident channel from the moment they report an Acknowledge status in the incident. They remain active in the channel as long as they are active in the incident.
An active responder is any responder that has one of the following Incident statuses: Acknowledge, En-Route, On-scene or Done.
- Supervisors can only gain access to the channels of Incidents that fall within the jurisdiction of the control centers to which they are assigned. A supervisor becomes active in a channel either by opting to join an incident or by opening the specific channel in the PTT module..
Accessing the Incident PTT Channels
The incidents PTT channels are located on the Incidents tab in the Channels (PTT) panel. Each channel displays the Incident Type icon and name as well as the incident ID number. The channels are sorted chronologically based on the most recent message transmitted.
Select an incident channel to view all the channel conversations. With the channel selected you can transmit voice (or text) messages and view a list of the channel members.
To learn more about using the Channels PTT feature, see: